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The Next Generation WorldPRP Kit represents the ultimate achievement in tube design since 2008 to separate formed components of blood. It is the first to achieve a three-phase separation while before we were contented with two.

1 - Fill

The Lateral inlet is used to carefully insert the blood sample 20-30 ml. It is also where, after centrifugation, You collect the quantity of desired plasma to produce the final formula.


2 - Centrifuge

Platelets need to be handled with utmost care. The centrifuge step is critical in this respect. For optimal performance, we recommend the high-end TD5 centrifuge machine. It is so efficient that only 3 minutes are needed. 

To obtain the best platelet yield as a function of: 


  • Rotational Speed

  • Rotor Radius

  • Horizontal Axis


Progressive acceleration and deceleration. 


  • System delivers 83% to 87% efficiency

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3 - Two Pathways

The WorldPRP tube is designed by a doctor for doctors.


That's why it has unparalleled versatility to handle every clinical situation: those - the majority - requiring a lot of volume, and those that demand a certain concentration, i.e. platelets in a smaller volume.

Pathway 1: Volume​


A.  Twist the bottom of Tube to push the BC gently above the neck line of the tube to mix it with the plasma in the upper chamber. Stop a little before the RBC reaches the neck line of the tube. Stir gently in order to re suspend the Buffy Coat.


B.  Close the top of the tube tight to seal the top and bottom chamber. 


C.  From lateral port, Aspirate the PRP and PPP with a or 10ml syringe without needle. 


Obtained PRP: Volume 12 ml


Pathway 2: Concentration​


A.  Twist the bottom of Tube to push the super rich plasma gently to the top line of the neck of the tube. 


B.  Close the top of the Tube tightly to seal the top and bottom chamber. 


C.  Insert a 1ml syringe in the middle port. Hold it firmly, keep twisting the bottom chamber. Retrieve the 1ml of super rich plasma which contains Fibrin.


D.  Mix with 3ml of plasma extracted from the upper chamber (connector provided). 


Volume obtained 3.2ml PRF

Please see the images for strength of 3 Fractions in the WORLDPRP Tube.

Pathway 1.png
Pathway 2.png
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WORDLPRP Tube holds between 20 ml - 30 ml Blood Volume


Use the Tube your way


Tailored-made to Patient’s Treatments


Monday - Friday 09:00 - 18:00

Saturday 09:00 - 16:00

Sunday Closed 


Tel. +44 (0) 208 150 6963

Mob. +44 7760 256456


CELLPRP LTD, 124 City Road, London EC1V 


©2024 by CellPRP. 

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