Device Comparison
The only kit that compares to all the others
When maths comes to the rescue
WorldPRP’s scientific management has led to a major breakthrough, which all users have long awaited. The RSI is an index calculated as the ratio between platelet recovery rate and volume (in percent) qualifing the concentrating power. The RSI x vPRP index directly represents the useful dose produced by the device. We provisionally named it the RSI Dose Index. Thus, the ratio of RSI Dose is the same as the ratio of useful platelet doses.
Cell Therapy Lab in Marseilles
The development of the kit owes much to the cellular therapy laboratory of Marseille and the SPL institute in Seoul. In addition to various measures of device performance, the unified notion of the PRP emerged from our passionate discussions, and we set out to find a mathematical solution that was badly lacking in the PRP world.
We also share the view that all users should have a means of measuring the PRP that they will inject into their patients.
The comparison was made using data from an important article DEPA classification a proposal for standardising PRP use, allowing us to display the objective properties of PRP devices found on the market.
All the data provided in the article, together with the WorldPRP kit, are included here.
Comparison table
For the first time, it is possible to summarize in a single table all the properties of the PRP preparation devices that you can now compare with each other. Thanks to the RSI, it becomes easy to estimate the concentration power. If you multiply the RSI by the vPRP, you have a direct idea of the delivered dose, it is the “strike force” of the PRP obtained. These quantitative data must then be compared with qualitative data such as PRP purity.
The few devices capable of showing good RSI have one weakness: the impurity of the PRP obtained.
The WorldPRP kit is therefore clearlily on top of all the competitors, in terms of useful dose, concentration and purity.
Last but not least, it is the only one to offer a complete management of leukocytes, without losing in purity.

1: Kaux, JF, and al. Comparative study of five techniques of preparation of platelet rich plasma separation systems. Pathol Biol (Paris) 2011;59:157-60
2: Castillo and al. Comparison of growth factor and platelet concentration from commercial platelet rich plasma separation systems. Am J Sports Med 2011;39:266-71
3: Magalon J and al. Characterization and comparison of 5 platelet rich plasma preparations in a single donor model. Arthroscopy 2014;30:629-38. Proteal data included from the company’s website on Nov 11th 2017.
4: Kushida and al. Platelets and gowth factor concentrations in activated platelet rich plasma: a comparison of seven commercial separation systems. J Artif Organs 2014;17:186-92
5: Data obtained jointly by Laboratoire de Thérapie Cellulaire in Marseille (Dr. J. Magalon) and SPL institue, Seoul.